Another great milestone! 1 million baby turtles protected and released into the sea by the Sea Turtle Monitoring Program.
There are 7 species of sea turtles in the world and 2 of them are found in the region of Porto do Açu, between Campos dos Goytacazes and São João da Barra, Rio de Janeiro. In the months of September to March, the breeding period of Caretta Caretta, the Tartaruga Cabeçuda, takes place.
To contribute to the population’s awareness of the preservation of this species, the Sea Turtle Monitoring Program (PMTM), together with Açu Petróleo, Porto do Açu and Ferroport, carry out a release campaign, when volunteers can participate in the release of young to the sea .
To date, more than 14,000 nests have been registered, more than 1 million nestlings have been protected and released into the sea, and more than 50 employees have been involved in the past year.
This time, the moment of release requires new care, so it was done with a small number of participants. Our goal is to protect the environment and life. We hope to soon be able to count on the public to learn even more about the richness of marine life.