We are committed to environmental preservation and invest in solutions and processes to continually minimize the impacts of our operations. Our initiatives contribute to conservation, education, research, and partnerships to ensure our operations are in harmony with nature.

Environmental Management

Our environmental management is based on mapping out environmental aspects and risks through assessments and technical studies, guided by standards and procedures aligned with our Sustainability Policy. We also have a team dedicated to incidents.


Our activities are performed in accordance with Operating License LO IN051582 granted by the State Environmental Institute (Inea). In 2022, we joined the Environmental Performance Index (IDA) calculated by the National Waterway Transportation Agency (Antaq), which measures the degree of environmental compliance of state-owned and private ports. Our actions from the 2023 IDA ranking were quite satisfactory, being 10th among private port terminals

Environmental Requirements Management

We adopt effective risk control and mitigation measures, monitored by routine inspections and annual internal and external audit cycles, grounded on robust Legal Requirements Management and Environmental Audits. We map out legislation and measure compliance with regulatory requirements using the Greenlegis System. Annual external audits check our compliance with environmental requirements, and their conclusions are presented in audit reports DZ-056-R.3 and CONAMA nº 306 of the Oil Terminal (T1).

Managing and reducing atmospheric emissions

Atmospheric emissions

Although Brazilian legislation has no specific regulation defining limits or mandatory control measures for Fugitive Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC), 100% of our operations are performed under the vapor balance system, following the best practices of the Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF).

Environmental Ship Inde

In January 2021, we implemented the Environmental Ship Index (ESI), which assesses vessels that perform better in reducing atmospheric emissions than required by the emission standards of the International Maritime Organization (IMO). The goal is to acknowledge and offer better conditions to ships with lower emissions. Until December 2022, 18 vessels (in 22 executed operations) became eligible for discounts of up to 10% on berthing fees, and we carried out 8 transhipment operations with them.

Air quality monitor

Air quality monitor Based on the Air Quality Index (AQI) and following the parameters of Conama Resolution 491/2018, we track the air around our operations. Since 2019, we have achieved a 100% “good” rating.

Environmental quality management

Solid Waste and Liquid Effluent Management Plan

To minimize and ensure correct disposal, we designed the T-Oil Solid Waste and Liquid Effluent Management Plan (PGRSEL) and a conscious consumption program. The Plan outlines procedures to guarantee environmental quality in our enterprise and its surroundings. Guided by this commitment, the four Effluent Treatment Stations in our terminal treat 100% of the effluent generated, and we ensure proper disposal of 100% of the waste generated in our operations.

Marine Monitoring Program – Water, Sediment and Biota (PMM)

Through the PMM, we have evaluated, since we started our activities, the quality of water, marine sediment, marine aquatic biota (planktonic, benthic and ichthyofauna communities) and control of exotic species, analyzing samples from 19 locations. Our goal is to monitor the quality of marine water, bottom sediment, and aquatic biota considering the parameters recommended by current environmental legislation.

Environmental protection and biodiversity preservation

Sea Turtle Conservation Program

As breeding grounds for loggerhead turtles, our location has substantial relevance for biodiversity. So, in partnership with other companies in the Port of Açu, we integrate preservation initiatives such as the Sea Turtle Conservation Program. Pró-Tamar Foundation collaborates as the executor of this initiative to protect, monitor, and research the prevailing turtle species (particularly the Caretta caretta) in the port and its surroundings. Daily monitoring activities cover 62 kilometers of coastline, from Pontal de Atafona, in São João da Barra, to Barra do Furado, in Campos dos Goytacazes. The program meets the technical guidelines of the Chico Mendes Institute for Conservation and Biodiversity (ICMBio), Tamar, and the State Environmental Institute (Inea), and includes:

  • Identification and protection of nests, tracking egg count, incubation, and birth success rate;
  • Collection of biometric data from turtle sightings;
  • Sending animals in need of treatment to a veterinary center;
  • Necropsy of dead turtles, sharing the data with the scientific community to contribute to the National Action Plan for the Conservation of Sea Turtles;
  • Awareness activities to engage surrounding communities, employees, fishermen, tourists and students;
  • Public educational actions, such as releasing turtles to the sea.
released to the sea.
rescued, treated
and returned to nature

Reforestation Program in the Caruara Reserve

At the end of 2021, we completed our mission of restoring 439 hectares with native species, as compensation for the removal of vegetation from the area of our former logistics yard. We planted 382.46 hectares on the Private Natural Heritage Reserve (RPPN) Fazenda Caruara and 56.54 hectares on the Marginal Protection Strip (FMP) of the Iquipari Lagoon. The next steps in the program include maintenance and subsequent settlement of planted areas.

In 2022, Caruara Reserve’s headquarters were open to visitors, contributing to the socioeconomic development of the surrounding area