Ensuring a healthy and safe work environment and promoting a culture of accident prevention are priorities in our operations. We identify and evaluate aspects, impacts, dangers, risks, and eliminate them whenever possible. We provide the necessary resources for prevention and rapid response to emergencies and crises, following the best practices in the industry. Our commitment includes encouraging input from employees and other interested parties on health, safety, and sustainability issues.

Accident prevention

Promoting an accident prevention culture includes the identification, analysis, and assessment of risks, in addition to proactive reporting of operational and behavioral deviations. Lessons are learned from investigating the causes of situations. Our OSH processes cover:

Contractor Management

We support our partners’ development so that they reach superior performance standards and maturity regarding the safety culture. The following contractor management processes stand out:

Manual for Managing Operational and Maintenance Contract;

Contractor Management Manual

QHSE Requirements for Contractors

Rules and Regulations for Contractors;

Management through API 2220;

OSH Recognition Program for Contractors, Bronze Distinction at the 2022 Brazil Protection Awards.

Emergency and Crisis Management

Our emergency and crisis management structure is based on the Incident Command System (ICS) methodology, with a standardized approach to command, control and coordination of the response to emergencies and crises, with a hierarchy that defines specific responsibilities. The ICS methodology covers two phases:



Emergency management phase triggered when there is a need for additional plans for crisis control, response, and management. May require activation of the Crisis Management Committee.



Phase in which our Emergency Control Plans (PCE), Individual Emergency Plan (PEI), Mutual Aid Plan (PAM), and Area Plan are activated and executed.

Management encompasses shared human and material in Terminal 1, such as the emergency room, healthcare professionals, rescuers, firefighters, ambulances, firefighting trucks and tank pumps, gear for rescuing at high-angle, confined spaces, incarceration and more.


Since 2018, we run an annual training plan for competency management, with theoretical and practical content and mentoring, as well as simulations and resource mobilization to test and practice skills. Our emergency and crisis management structure is backed by plans and standards, and trained by the Emergency Response Readiness Base.

Emergency Control Plan (PCE)

Establishes systemized prevention procedures to be deployed in environmental, health or safety emergencies.

Individual Emergency Plan (IEP)

Establishes actions for eventual oil spill emergencies in the terminal with potential to affect physical integrity of personnel, damage our assets or third-party assets, or generate environmental impacts, according to requirements defined by Conama Resolution 398/08.

Covid-19 Contingency Plan

Establishes measures and procedures for prevention, control and response to emergencies related to Covid-19, focused on protecting employees and the community.

Mutual Aid Plan (PAM)

Integrates the emergency control plans of companies located in the Port of Açu, with joint actions to prepare and respond to incidents. Provides human and material resources to equip or improve the efficiency of the individual response capacity of participating companies.

Click to access the Mutual Aid Plan (PAM)

Port of Açu Area Plan (PAPA)

Coordinated by the State Environmental Institute (Inea), the plan outlines the integrated participation of all terminals in the Port of Açu to respond to oil emergencies at sea, also involving interested parties such as the Brazilian Navy, Civil Defense, and the Brazilian Institute for the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (Ibama). Integrated into the National Contingency Plan.

Crisis Management Standard

Establishes responsibilities and rules to ensure adequate and standardized crisis management actions, defining guidelines for situations that may threaten or affect our business.

Emergency Response Readiness Base (BPAE)

Proprietary base, with preventive barrier structure for transhipment operations and response to oil spill emergencies in our internal and external areas. The base operates 24/7 with dedicated staff, facilities and equipment.

Process and occupational risk management

We have plans, programs, and procedures for identifying, analyzing, and evaluating the occupational risks mapped out in our business, along with guidelines for eliminating or mitigating sources of risks, such as:

  • Investigation and Analysis of Accidents and Incidents;
  • Management Procedure for Operational Risk and Environmental Aspects;
  • Environmental risk assessments for continuous monitoring of agents to which our employees may be exposed;
  • Leadership commitment and behavioral approach;
  • Change management;
  • Life-saving rules.

Training management

For our employees to develop skills and competencies in Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) based on legal requirements and operational training, we offer training on:

  • Regulatory Standards;
  • Internal policies, standards, plans, programs, and procedures.


Occupational Health Medical Control Program (PCMSO)
With the identification, analysis and assessment of occupational risks and based on the PCMSO, our occupational physician defines the preventive medical controls to ensure screening and early detection of any work-related health problems.
Occupational Ergonomics
Ergonomic control in the physical, cognitive, and organizational fronts, with regular monitoring and actions to protect employees’ health and well-being.
Quality of Life
Tools and resources for employees health and well-being, with social, physical, and mental care, including therapy sessions (Psicologia Viva) and physical activity (Gympass)
Covid-19 Prevention
Measures and procedures to prevent and control the spread of Covid-19. During the pandemic, it included the Covid-19 Contingency Plan, Remote Work Standard, diagnostic tests sent to employees’ homes, online medical appointments, back-to-the office plan, golden rules for preventing Covid-19, back-to-the-office assumptions and phases, training and communication.