Vast Infraestrutura in the “Summer Without Accidents” campaign
For the fifth consecutive year, Vast Infraestrutura has been one of the partners in the “Summer Without Accidents” campaign, carried out by Porto do Açu. Eight other companies from the port complex are also partners: GNA – Gás Natural Açu, Ferroport, DOME Serviços Integrados, TechnipFMC, Anglo American, OceanPact Serviços Marítimos, Brasil Port Logística Offshore e Estaleiro Naval LTDA. and Sunset.
The campaign involved several employees from these companies on the roads of Porto do Açu and its access routes, raising awareness about the need for more responsible behavior in traffic, both in daily commutes and during vacations.
In total, about 4,000 drivers were approached during the blitz actions in December, January, and February.