Vast Infraestrutura helds Green June campaign

Last month, Vast Infraestrutura held, along with the other companies present at Porto do Açu, the Green June campaign, annual initiative that has the objective of raising awareness about caring for the environment.

In 2024, with the tag “#AçuPeloClima” (Açu for the climate), the campaign had as its theme the climate change, topic addressed by ONU in this year’s agenda. A few of the subjects covered were the impacts of this phenomenon in Brazil and in the world, the challenges of the port sector due to this scenario, and how innovation can help in decarbonization initiatives.

Besides lectures, the campaign also carried out an Environmental Fair along with São João da Barra city hall; an Ecofair at Porto do Açu; a beach-cleaning event that gathered 131 participants, including members of the local community, and collected 287,8kg of waste; and a working group between the companies installed at Porto do Açu where Vast presented its Sustainability Journey and its measures to help boosting the descarbonization topic.

In this last initiative, the group discussed how the companies can work in synergy to address the climate change topic in the port context.