Vast Infraestrutura and Repsol sign commercial contract for oil transshipment at T-Oil

Vast Infraestrutura and Repsol, the Spanish major of the oil & gas sector, have just signed a partnership to perform oil transshipment operations at T-Oil, Vast’s terminal located at Porto do Açu and a national highlight, being responsible, in the first semester of 2024, for 50.2% of Brazil’s crude oil exporsts from terminals.

With the addition of Repsol, Vast now has 11 clients in its portfolio. The presence of all of Brazil’s main oil operators on T-Oil strengthens Vast’s role as a strategic marketplace, offering the possibility for clients to combine cargoes for export, increasing the efficiency of their operations.

This achievement by Vast reaffirms the potential of the company and Porto do Açu as logistics platforms of excellence, prepared to support the growth of Brazilian crude oil exports.